Snap-on Incorporated is a leading global innovator, manufacturer and marketer of tools and equipment, for professional users.
$3.4 billion, S&P 500 company headquartered in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Mission – The most Valued productivity solutions in the world. Found in more than 150 countries around the world. (50 years in South Africa)
Employs 11,500 worldwide
27 Manufacturing plants around the globe.
Pioneered the Interchangeable Socket:“Snap-on”
Invented Flank Drive which prevents rounding of fastener corners & increases turning power. (Now copied by most tool manufacturers).
Holds 5500 patents (active & pending)
Regular tool design award winner
Employs 400 engineers on R & D.
Crafted from the highest quality materials, & built to withstand the most rigorous working conditions.
Manufactured using a proprietary higher alloy steel.
Precision engineering results in stringent tolerances 2nd to none.
Signature nickle-chrome finish provides corrosion resistance extending tool life.
Unsurpassed in performing the job quickly and accurately
Unmatched Strength – the best materials & design
Unmatched Accessibility – innovative design
Unmatched Versatility – broad range, provides right tool for the job (>14,000 items)
For 96 years, professionals have reached for Snap-on.
The reason is simple:
Snap-on tools reach where others won’t, turn when others don’t & perform over & over again for a lifetime.
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